DoF Droid is a simple depth of field calculator that shows in a two dimensional chart the depth of field variation depending on the focus distance of the subject
- Simple depth of field.
- DOF vs focus distance.
- DOF va Aperture.
- Large list of supported camera models, DSLR, medium format and custom "acceptable circle of confusion" selection allowed.
- Different measurement units (meters, centimeters, yards and feet).
- Screen rotation supported charts.
- In English and Spanish.
Gestures enabled in the chart are:
- Drag with one finger to move the chart
- Pinch with two fingers to zoom out
- Spread with two fingers to zoom in
- Double tap to reset zoom
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">自由度德罗伊德是场计算器的一个简单的深度的二维图表,显示场变化的根据被摄体的焦点距离的深度
- 现场的简单深度。
- DOF VS对焦距离。
- DOF VA光圈。
- 支持摄像头的机型,单反相机,中画幅和自定义“混乱可接受圈”的大名单选择允许。
- 不同的计量单位(米,厘米,码和脚)。
- 屏幕旋转支持的图表。
- 在英语和西班牙语。
- 用一个手指拖动来移动图
- 捏用两个手指以缩小
- 用两个手指张开来放大
- 枪王重置变焦</div> <div class="show-more-end">